Bringing a greener future to Scotland

Acorn Bioenergy is consulting on plans to develop an anaerobic digestion plant on agricultural land, to the south of the village of Rathven and adjacent to the March Road Industrial Estate.

We are holding two exhibitions on Thursday 13th and Thursday 27th June 2024, which will provide residents and the wider community an opportunity to view the proposals, ask the Acorn team members questions and leave feedback.


The proposed development would be located on agricultural land south of Rathven village, in the Moray council area. The proposed site is adjacent, but separated by fields, to the March Road Industrial Estate. The A98 road would be used primarily to access the site.

This location has been chosen as Acorn prioritises sites with good access to farms able to provide high quality agricultural inputs, such as energy crops and residues. Ease of access to local distilleries is also one of Acorn’s key considerations, distilleries can provide co-products including draff and pot ale. This site is also in close proximity to our gas injection hub near Inverness where the biomethane created at the site will enter the gas grid as renewable fuel.

With regard to site selection, Acorn takes into careful consideration the visual impact of the potential development and employs a specialized consultant to ensure this impact is minimal. This chosen site lies out with any special land designations or conservation areas.

Site location (in red)